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Here is a page to list a curated amount of previous projects have contributed to. Click the headings below to expand the lists.

I'm nowadays a part of a small indie studio called Distant Illusions. That site has more up-to-date info on current and future projects I'm working on there. If you're interested in Gaming™, head over there!

With/As Distant Illusions

A screenshot of Radium A screenshot of the Radium level editor

My Contributions: Just about everything so far

Link to more info: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: Jan. 2023 - Present

A 3D game engine written in C++, with a backend in OpenGL and SDL2. Features a self-made math library, a proprietary scripting language for actors, and a level editor built into the game for the fastest possible level design iteration time. I've written the engine almost entirely by myself so far. It's designed to support a game we're working on behind the scenes.

A screenshot of Operius

My Contributions: Music and sound design

Link to more info: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: Oct. 2021 (Operius), June 2023 - Aug. 2023 (Operius DX)

Originally made for Opera GX's "no internet" game jam. Operius won the jam by a landslide and ended up getting us several lucrative opportunities to work with Opera later on. The game is a fast-paced arcade shooter in the vein of Tempest. We're currently working on a extended version of the game. It's almost done and should see release very soon.

A screenshot of Dormiveglia

My Contributions: Sound design; sound implementation

Link to more info: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: 2020 - Present

Dormiveglia (/dormi'veʎa/) is a metroidvania platformer thing created by Round Cartridge. Distant Illusions acts as a support studio for the project, providing programming and sound design work. The sound design has been particularly fun due to the (as the name implies) dreamlike nature of the world. The game's been received very well so far whenever previews are released, and I personally think it'll make a splash when it eventually launches.

Screenshot of Opera GX Racing 2023

My Contributions: Music and sound design

Link to tweet with video: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: October 2023

A 2.5D racing game created for a timed regional contest, hosted by Opera GX. The game was available in Mexico for a few months last year, to celebrate the Formula 1 Grand Prix race in Mexico City. The game is no longer available to play as far as I know.

A screenshot of Space Opera GX

My Contributions: Music and sound design

Link to tweet with video: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: August 2023

A short 2D shoot-em-up, made for Opera GX's booth at Gamescom 2023. It got a lot of players, over a thousand I think, and good feedback despite the underpowered machine running the game lagging like crazy. Sadly, it was exclusive to the booth and hasn't been able to be released to the public since.

Screenshot of Idle Aura

My Contributions: Music and sound design

Link to more info: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: Mar. 2023 - May 2023

A cute little idle game, created for the Opera GX Gamestrip the browser has. The project was requested by Opera GX for their anniversary celebration.

As Independent

Screenshot of Khimera: Puzzle Island

My Contributions: Music and sound design

Link to more info: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: Oct. 2019 - Nov. 2020

A small picross game, a spinoff of Suits n' Sandals' Khimera platformer. Did decently well in sales and got glowing reviews and feedback for the music, which I'm still proud of.

A GIF showcase CatEngine in action

My Contributions: I did everything

Link to the repository: Here (opens a new tab)

Worked on: Aug. 2021 - Oct. 2021

A 2D game engine I created over the course of a few months in late 2021. It had a proprietary language called BeepScript used to program the actors, and a little IDE for levels and asset importing. I had to stop working on it due to university requiring my time, after which I jumped over to Distant Illusions instead. That work eventually lead to Radium.


My Contributions: I did everything

Link to more info: I think you should know where this leads already

Worked on: June 2024

You're reading it right now. This site was written with PHP and has a MySQL server to operate the blog and news section. It's not the most modern (or professional) piece of web engineering, but I'm quite proud of it. Writing the entire thing took about 3 weeks total, including all the paraphernalia included like the banners and gifs.

My Contributions: Music, sound effects, SFX and music engine programming

Worked on: Between 2018 and 2021

Finally, random unorganized game jam contributions. These are old, and don't contain all of the projects I worked on; I might eventually add them when I have time and energy again.

Name: Pucamuc

Link to game: Here

Made for Ludum Dare in 2019. Got good scores - 14th in audio, which was my contribution. I'd double check that, but Ludum Dare seems to have wiped their contest results at some point.

Name: Sosig

Link to game: Here

Also made for Ludum Dare in 2019. Not my best work, it was done in a day that I had free during conscription. I like the look of the game, though.

Name: Ghostly Getaway

Link to game: Here

Made for a Ludum Dare in 2018. I wrote the music engine (crossfades between two versions of a track dynamically) and did all the audio. This was meant to be reworked into a full game for Steam, but the project sadly collapsed due to various issues and has since been cancelled.

Name: Crashlanded

Link to game: Here

My very first jam game. Made for GM48 in 2018. I think it still holds up, though obviously I've improved a lot in music since.

My Contributions: What it says on the tin

Worked on: Whenever time and energy

Here's some music stuff I've done over the years. Recently my activity has been slower because I've been busy working on Radium, and SoundCloud has been a major pain in the ass to deal with. Nevertheless, here's the places where I've most commonly posted music to.

Name: SoundCloud

Link to account: Here

Name: Bandcamp

Link to account: Here

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