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We are live!

For years, my website has been tirelessly operated by a small gremlin-like creature in my basement I named “Smorbil”. Smorbil has been endlessly cranking the hand-operated server my site runs on since 2020, but sadly, he has reached his limits. As of last month, Smorbil hasn’t been able to wake up after a heart attack, even when I’ve poked him with a cattle prod. I tried the defibrillator too, no luck. I will hold an impromptu cremation burial as soon as possible.

In the meantime, I’ve replaced Smorbil with a new creature who still goes unnamed for now (if you have suggestions, email me at, and my recently appointed slav– er, employee’s newfound energy has given me an opportunity to also update my site to this spiffy new straight-out-of-the-future-as-of-20-years-ago look. Pretty neat, huh?

As you might’ve noticed, I now have a blog on my site. Hint: you’re reading it currently. I’ve kept some sort of public record of my deepening madness on tumblr so far, but now I have my own site which is Rad and Based and Tubular and other already outdated vernacular. I’m not entirely sure where my ramblings will go from now on. I guess we’ll see.

I’m also not really sure what I’ll do with my old tumblr archives (i.e. the shit that nobody really wants to read anymore). I’ve considered uploading them here for posterity, but I’m also incredibly busy with my daily schedule of throwing paperballs dipped in bowls of spit (yes, plural) at people who pass by under my window, so I kinda don’t feel like wasting time on that.

And before you go, please wish Currently Unnamed Sequel To Smorbil good luck. He has many years of hard labour ahead of him.

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